2024-01-23 16:26:44 -

2024-01-14 17:10:34 -

2024-01-26 11:07:02 -

2024-01-23 12:00:28 -

2024-01-03 04:40:35 -

2024-01-23 12:16:00 -
配送:京东次日达 每年的3.8都是屯卫生巾的时候,这时候比较划算。用这款很多年了,除了夏天其他都觉得很好,夏天有其他的妙招,不担心

2024-01-05 09:28:05 -

2024-01-16 04:33:41 -

2024-01-01 17:02:40 -
THINKPAD 一直很喜欢这牌子,性能相对强悍,电脑很薄,手感也不错,很喜欢

2024-01-16 09:08:43 -


歌曲里的故事一此情可待 Right Here Waiting
 《Right Here Waiting, 此情可待》(也翻译为在此等候) 是1989年由Richard Marx(理查德.马克斯)作曲,作词的歌曲,收录在Richard Marx 第二张唱片中,一上市就造成轰动,当年在美国Billboard Hot 100 排名第一,数十年来《此情可待》在世界各国广为传唱,家喻户晓,成为经典情歌,它也成就了理查德世界巨星的地位。《此情可待》同其他许多成名曲一样有着不同寻常的故事,中文版流传的故事是这样的:理查德第一次巡回演出时,爱妻辛西娅也出去拍戏3个月,但由于签证问题,理查德无法前去探望,他感到非常郁闷。他的朋友说:“你郁闷的时候会写出最好的歌曲。”于是,理查德坐在钢琴旁,在一种强烈的冲动下,只用了20分钟就写完了《此情可待》创作。
这个中文版故事并不准确,虽然这是热恋中的理查德思念辛西娅(Cynthia Rhodes)所作,但那时辛西娅还是理查德的女友,当时是在南非拍戏,而理查德也没有什么签证问题。其实,《此情可待》让理查德成名纯属偶然。当时理查德应朋友之托帮歌手Barbara(Barbra) Streisand 写首歌,他于是将这首很personal  (私人性的)、觉得自己不宜演唱的《此情可待》交给了Barbra,却遭到了Barbra的拒绝,Barbra 说,这是首非常棒的歌,但我没在此时此刻等待任何人,希望理查德将歌词作彻底的修改。无奈,理查德只得将此曲收录到他正在录制的唱片中,没想到一炮而红。后来理查德在一次采访中说,他每次见到Barbra都会拥抱她,并感谢她拒绝了《此情可待》这首歌。
理查德和前妻辛西娅相识于1983年,后来中断联系2年,主要是辛西娅觉得自己比理查德大7岁,很犹豫是否要与理查德恋爱,即使后面dating,也一直没有进一步发展,直到听到了理查德的新歌《此情可待》, 辛西娅深受感动,接受了理查德的求婚。婚后,辛西娅回归家庭,育有3个孩子,3个孩子现在都已长大成为音乐家。《此情可待》这首歌让理查德和辛西娅成为世人眼里爱的象征,他们绝不会有婚姻的问题,会白头偕老到永远。但事实是他们的婚姻在2014年走到了尽头,令人唏嘘,验证了那句话Never say Never。


I like the price and my boyfriend loves the comfort and style.
- Liberia

I wear these shoes almost exclusively. They always work and wear well.
- Singapore

fit well, comfortable after a couple of times wearing them....seemed stiff at first
- Switzerland

Nike runs about a 1/2 size small. I wear a 10.5 normally and wear an 11 in Nike. Good shoes.
- Singapore

I've had several of these shoes over the years because they fit really well and are comfortable for walking.
- Switzerland

I'm a truck driver climbing up and down and inside trailers shoes perform well no falling apart yet so I'd buy them again
- Liberia

Always a favorite work shoe. Excellent arch support. Could have gone a half size larger from what the foot size gadget at the shoe store read.
- Switzerland

I needed an all leather shoe for my trips in the fall and winter. Bought this because I have had great experiences with similar shoes - which needed replacing.
- Liberia

I wear size 8 shoe -orderd size 8 -normal width .I m 5'7" -130 lbs . They fit perfect . Little snug at first as are all new shoes . Hope this helps with concerning ordering a size larger issue .
- Switzerland

One thing about Nike is their sizes are always really close. Very comfortable shoes. Bought a cheapy pair of shoes in between last Nikes and latest Nikes and it is true that you get what you pay for at least when dealing with Nike.
- Switzerland

2023-12-04 03:47:28--
Reasonable price, service in place, timely delivery. bought 6 pairs of Chain reaction shoes from this seller.highly recommend

2023-12-04 03:47:22--
I received the shoes. They are very nice, they are my favorite type, and the logistics is very fast. I love them.

2023-12-04 03:44:14--
Quality is very good, fine workmanship, cost-effective, friends can rest assured to buy

2023-12-04 03:39:57--
I loved it at first! No tarnishing! Looked like the real YSL bracelet! BUT two weeks of wear and the tag at on the chain fell off!

2023-12-04 03:39:54--

2023-12-04 03:38:08--
Beautiful ring! The workmanship is exquisite, I have bought it many times from this seller, and each time is a good experience. This is a great seller. Fast delivery. Reply to messages/questions very fast!

2023-12-04 03:36:14--
Very unsatisfied

2023-12-04 03:35:27--
This ring is gorgeous! it's so shiny and sparkly!!! I will order from this seller again!

2023-12-04 03:33:31--
Received item in a timely manner. Gorgeous ring. Will definitely buy from this seller again! Thanks

2023-12-04 03:31:01--
Great quality!

2023-12-04 03:29:33--
Beautiful! Looks exactly like the photo shipped to Australia pretty fast compared to other things I’ve bought on this app. Ive bought multiple pieces from this seller and they’re all really good quality. Highly recommend xx

2023-12-04 03:28:59--
It was really nice it’s more of rose gold. Shipping was like three weeks . It’s simple and dainty

2023-12-04 03:27:09--
Never arrived

2023-12-04 03:27:01--
really bad commutation between customer and seller. very hard to deal with seller. he sent the wrong size and now won't allow me to purchase the correct size. all in all waste of money. their are better sellers who sell this item who really care and make sure you get the right size. this is sadly not one of them. really upset to have wasted money and was really looking forward to this item. quality is good but sizes don't fit and my wrist is tiny.

2023-12-04 03:23:36--
The quality is really good, I can't see any flaws, I would recommend this seller 100%.

2023-12-04 03:22:48--
Love it! Its a little too big for me but thats my own problem! BEAUTIFULL

2023-12-04 03:22:47--
Looks exactly like an authentic Cartier ring. Will definitely purchase more!

2023-12-04 03:20:21--

2023-12-04 03:20:13--
Product is amazing. The look and feel is prefect.Very nice and recommend.

2023-12-04 03:20:02--
Das lasses not buy

2023-12-04 03:16:25--
Omg absolutely love the earrings!!!

2023-12-04 03:05:46--
Perfect! Wish the print was smaller tho! Fast shipping! Place my order April 12th and received my item on April 27th!

Displaying 781 to 802 (of 802 reviews)

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